Building in Faith for Future Generations

Planning for the 100th anniversary

Saint Petronille will celebrate our 100th anniversary in April of 2025. Our parish and school flourish and we need to prepare for the future. Below you will find information about the projects proposed, the layout of our Three Phase 10-year plan, detailed drawings and information about the projects and a link to give to the campaign electronically.

Campaign Goal

Goal Progress 88%

Pledged: $6.2m

Goal: $7m

Prayer for Building in Faith for Future Generations

Almighty and Merciful God,
We give thanks to you, the creator of all good things, for your love endures forever.
We give thanks to you as we prepare to celebrate 100 years of faith and hope and love at Saint Petronille Parish.
We give thanks for our courageous founders who built in faith four generations ago and who inspire a new generation to build in faith and gratitude for the future.
We beg you, O Lord, grant success to the work of our hands.  Transform our hands into your hands that a new generation may know your mercy, grace and peace, and carry you to a hungry world.
Please assist us in preserving the gift you gave to your people a century ago and build with us for generations to come.
Please, Lord, bless us. Bless our children.  Bless our grandchildren and shower your eternal gifts on Saint Petronille Parish now and forever.
We ask all this through Christ our Lord.

Campaign Archives

Give to building in faith

Click the links below for the Details of our Projects and Plans: